Thursday, January 14, 2016

Sources of the Blog & Links to Resources on Human Genetic Technology

Sources used:

1. (Center of Genetics and Society, Inheritable Gene Modification) 
2. (Oxford Dictionaries, Designer Baby)
3. (Wikipedia, Genetic Engineering)
4. (The Prospect of Designer Babies: Is it Inevitable?, ;Michael Catalano; PIT Journal, Cycle 3 2012)
5. (World Health Organization, Food Safety)
6. (Wikipedia, Human Genome Project)

Resources on Human Genetic Technology:

1. (Evolution in age-structured populations, B Charlesworth;, 1994)
2. (Human genetic technology: exploring the links between science and innovation, J. Anderson; 135-156, 26 Jun 2007)

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Human Genome Project & GM Foods

Human Genome Project:

                ''The Human Genome Project (HGP) was an international scientific research project with the goal of determining the sequence of chemical base pairs which make up human DNA, and of identifying and mapping all of the genes of the human genome from both a physical and functional standpoint.'' (Wikipedia, Human Genome Project)

                The Human Genome Project (HGP) is a project that started in 1990. It is important because it uses information from current and newly discovered DNA to develop new ways to treat, cure, or even prevent the thousands of diseases that affect humankind. The reason this project would impact the development on Gene Therapy is because both projects have a common goal in mind; to cure and prevent diseases from happening to humans by using DNA.
GM Foods:

                ''Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) can be defined as organisms (i.e. plants, animals or microorganisms) in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally by mating and/or natural recombination.'' (World Health Organization, Food Safety)

                Genetically modified plants have attracted a large amount of media attention in recent years and continue to do so. Despite this, the general public remains largely unaware of what a GM plant actually is or what advantages and disadvantages the technology has to offer, particularly with regard to the range of applications for which they can be used. Because the industry of GMOs are so hugely funded, the discoveries about gene therapy in plants could be applied to humans too. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Government on Genetic Babies & Gene Manipulation

Government on Genetic Babies:

        "Rather, the decisions are made by the general public. Public opinion is most important in almost all cases involving of change or social reform. Studies have been conducted to study how the public would act when presented with the oppurtunity to design a "future" baby.'' (The Prospect of Designer Babies: Is it Inevitable?, Michael Catalano; PIT Journal, Cycle 3 2012)

         The United States federal law does not regulate ''Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)'' which is the method used to screen for diseases and cystic fibrosis or genetic conditions such as Down's syndrome. The government has left the decision of whether or not selecting and embryo's genetic make up is acceptable to the general public and fertility specialists. In order to regulate PGD procedures, the government's focus would have to be at the state level, giving permission to state senators to hold votes in order to allow procedures such as PGD and permit designer babies.
How Gene Manipulation occurs:

         ''Genetic engineering, also called genetic modification, is the direct manipulation of an organism's genome using biotechnology. It is a set of technologies used to change the genetic makeup of cells, including the transfer of genes within and across species boundaries to produce improved or novel organisms.'' (Wikipedia, Genetic Engineering)

           The first step of genetic manipulation is to choose the gene that will be inserted into the organism. The chosen gene can be isolated by using Restriction Enzymes and seperated into a chosen length by Gel Electrophoresis. ''Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)'' can also be used to multiply up a part of the gene, which can then be isolated through gel electrophoresis.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Designer Babies and Inheritable Gene Modification

Designer Babies: 

       "Designer babies are babies whose genetic makeup has been selected in order to eradicate a particular defect, or to ensure that a particular gene is present." (Oxford Dictionaries)                  

         Gene therapy and gene manipulation has had an uproar in the past 15 years and has finally found ways to customize genetics of babies to make them athletic, handsome or free of disease before they are even born. Modification of the human genome has became such a huge topic that the Food & Drug Administration have been testing genetic manipulation techniques to "prevent mitochondrial disease from occuring in an offspring."

 Inheritable Gene Modification:

         "Inheritable genetic modification (IGM, also called germline engineering) means changing the genes passed on to future generations." (Center of Genetics and Society, Inheritable Gene Modification)

           The benefits of letting parents genetically modify their child's genome would possibly lower risk of disease, leading to a healthier society and longer lifespan of the offsprings. It could also help reduce the number of mental and physical disabilities from birth. Although the pros are very convincing, there are also an equal number of disadvantages. A large issue that could arise from parents choosing their unborn babies to be free from disease or choosing them to be fertile would result in a quick change in population and could cause overpopulation in most areas without proper cleanliness or space such as some third world countries. It could also cause loss of balance in genders, such as some parents choosing genders of their babies to be male or female more than each other.


Monday, December 14, 2015